Located in Inner-West Sydney.

Speech and Language Therapy

Our speech pathologists provide assessment, diagnosis, intervention and treatment for children with communication disabilities.

A child in a speech and language therapy session conducted by a qualified speech pathologist.
A photo of Polly who is a qualified speech and language pathologist.
Talking Trees is run by Polly Khushal, a paediatric speech pathologist with over 20 years international experience working in a range of paediatric services in the UK, New Zealand & Australia.
Learn more about Polly
A child in a speech and language therapy session conducted by a qualified speech pathologist.
Leaf circular shape emblem
Speech Pathology Services

Who Can We Help?

We offer a wide range of paediatric speech pathology services. We can help.

• Children with additional needs
• Children with speech or language difficulties
• Children who need support with an AAC system
• Children with feeding difficulties
• Speech Pathologists requiring supervision

"If they can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn."
Dr. Temple grandin
"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said."
peter drucker